Slide Gaps

Embla Carousel allows you to use any CSS to stack your slides in the chosen scroll axis, whether it's CSS Grid, flexbox, inline-blocks or anything else. It will conveniently pick up any spacings between the slides and automatically adjust the scroll snaps accordingly.

Declaring gaps

It's recommended to declare gaps between slides using CSS. Any CSS that will render space between the slides is valid. You may add spacing in one direction like so:

.embla__slide {  margin-right: 20px;}

It's also valid to add gaps in both directions:

.embla__slide {  margin-right: 20px;  margin-left: 10px;}

If you want to accomodate for RTL languages, you can use margin-inline-end and margin-inline-start instead:

.embla__slide {  margin-inline-end: 20px; /* Space after the slide */  margin-inline-start: 10px; /* Space before the slide */}

If you're using CSS Grid you can declare your gaps like so:

.embla__container {  grid-column-gap: 20px;}

Note! If you don't have loop enabled, Embla Carousel will ignore any gaps at the start and end edge of the carousel.

Variable gaps

Just like variable slide sizes, variable gap sizes is supported out of the box. Declare your gap sizes in your CSS to achieve this:

.embla__slide:nth-child(1) {  margin-right: 10px;}.embla__slide:nth-child(2) {  margin-right: 20px;  margin-left: 10px;}

Responding to breakpoints

Embla Carousel will automatically pick up any changes in gap sizes when the window is resized. It's very simple to set different sizes based on your breakpoints:

.embla__slide {  margin-right: 10px; /* Default slide gap */}@media (min-width: 768px) {  .embla__slide {    margin-right: 20px; /* Breakpoint SM gap */  }}
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