Auto Scroll
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This plugin is used to extend Embla Carousel with auto scroll functionality.
Start by installing the npm package and save it to your dependencies:
<script src=""></script>
npm install embla-carousel-auto-scroll --save
yarn add embla-carousel-auto-scroll
Below follows an exhaustive list of all Auto Scroll
options and their default values.
Type: number
Default: 2
Number of pixels auto scroll should advance per frame.
Type: number
Default: 1000
Number of milliseconds auto scroll should wait before it starts. This also applies when user interactions end and stopOnInteraction is false
Type: string
Default: forward
This option is used to set the auto scroll direction. Set it to backward
if you want it to scroll in the opposite direction.
Type: boolean
Default: true
If set to false
, you'll have to start auto scroll yourself by calling the play method.
Type: boolean
Default: true
If set to false
, auto scroll will not be disabled after drag interactions, and it will restart every time after an interaction.
Type: boolean
Default: false
When enabled, auto scroll will stop when a mouse pointer enters the Embla Carousel container. If stopOnInteraction is also false
, auto scroll will resume when the mouse leaves the carousel container.
Type: boolean
Default: true
When enabled, auto scroll will stop when a focusable element inside the carousel recieves focus. If stopOnInteraction is false
, auto scroll will resume when the user leaves focus.
Type: (emblaRoot: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement | null
Default: null
The node that should respond to user interactions like stopOnMouseEnter and stopOnInteraction. If this is omitted, the node that wraps the Embla Carousel will be used as default.
Below follows an exhaustive list of all Auto Scroll
methods with their respective parameters and return values.
Parameters: startDelayOverride?: number
Returns: void
Start auto scroll. Pass a startDelayOverride if you want to change the startDelay option after the plugin has been initialized.
Parameters: none
Returns: void
Stops auto scroll.
Parameters: none
Returns: void
Stops auto scroll, and starts the timer again using startDelay when the carousel has settled. This will only take effect if auto scroll is playing. If auto scroll is stopped, this method won't trigger anything.
Parameters: none
Returns: boolean
Returns a boolean whether the carousel is auto scrolling or not.
Below follows an exhaustive list of all Auto Scroll
events together with information about how they work.
Once: no
Fires when auto scroll starts playing.
Once: no
Fires when auto scroll stops scrolling.