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This plugin is used to extend Embla Carousel with autoplay functionality.



Start by installing the npm package and save it to your dependencies:

npm install embla-carousel-autoplay --save


Below follows an exhaustive list of all Autoplay options and their default values.


Type: number | (scrollSnapList: number[], emblaApi: EmblaCarouselType) => number[]
Default: 4000

Choose a delay between transitions in milliseconds. If you pass a number, the same delay will be applied to all transitions. If you pass a function, you can return an array of numbers based on the scrollSnapList parameter and set different delays for each scroll snap.


Type: boolean
Default: false

When set to true true, autoplay will do instant slide transitions when advancing.


Type: boolean
Default: true

If set to false, you'll have to start autoplay manually by calling the play method. It's useful to set this to false when you want full control over the timing. For example, when building an autoplay progress bar.


Type: boolean
Default: true

If set to false, autoplay will not be disabled after drag interactions, and it will restart every time after an interaction.


Type: boolean
Default: false

When enabled, autoplay will stop when a mouse pointer enters the Embla Carousel container. If stopOnInteraction is also false, autoplay will resume when the mouse leaves the carousel container.


Type: boolean
Default: true

When enabled, autoplay will stop when a focusable element inside the carousel recieves focus. If stopOnInteraction is false, autoplay will resume when the user leaves focus.


Type: boolean
Default: false

If this parameter is enabled, autoplay will stop when it reaches last slide.


Type: (emblaRoot: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement | null
Default: null

The node that should respond to user interactions like stopOnMouseEnter and stopOnInteraction. If this is omitted, the node that wraps the Embla Carousel will be used as default.


Below follows an exhaustive list of all Autoplay methods with their respective parameters and return values.


Parameters: jump?: boolean
Returns: void

Start autoplay. Set the jump parameter to true when you want autoplay to do instant slide transitions when advancing. Please note that providing a value to this method vill override the jump option.


Parameters: none
Returns: void

Stop autoplay.


Parameters: none
Returns: void

Resets the timer and starts over. This will only take effect if autoplay is already active. If autoplay is stopped, this method won't do anything.


Parameters: none
Returns: boolean

Returns a boolean whether autoplay is playing or not.


Parameters: none
Returns: number | null

If the autoplay timer is active, this will return a number representing the time left until the autoplay scrolls to the next snap. If the timer is not active, this will return null. Use this together with the autoplay:timerset and autoplay:timerstopped events to create a custom progress bar for autoplay.

If you're using a reactive wrapper for Embla Carousel like embla-carousel-react and building an autoplay progress bar, you probably want to set playOnInit to false and call the play method manually to fully control the timing.

This is because the autoplay plugin will start playing as soon as it's initialized, which might not be what you want in these cases.


Below follows an exhaustive list of all Autoplay events together with information about how they work.


Once: no

Fires when autoplay starts playing. When this event is triggered, the autoplay timer is active, and autoplay will select the next scroll snap and start scrolling to it when the delay has passed.


Once: no

Fires when autoplay stops playing. When this event is triggered, the autoplay timer is not active anymore.


Once: no

Fires directly after autoplay selects the next scroll snap and starts scrolling to it.


Once: no

Fires when the autoplay timer is set. As soon as the timer is set, countdown to autoplay to the next scroll snap will begin.


Once: no

Fires when the autoplay timer is stopped.

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